
We adopt and develop new technologies for energy transition and process innovation.

Rewriting the paradigms of the energy industry

We have always been endowed with an innate aptitude for problem solving, we are constantly engaged in the development and innovation of energy transition processes and in the optimization of production processes and plant management systems.

We want to rewrite the paradigms of the energy industry by applying our know-how and our approach oriented towards continuous improvement.

The pillars on which we base our future originate from the traditional business: energy valorization of waste, storage of renewable energy, hydrogen, CO2 capture and storage and digitalization.

Our technologies for the energy transition

Techfem specializes in Waste to gas, Energy storage, Hydrogen, Carbon Capture and Digitalization. Browse the dedicated sections and find out how all the teams work.

Versatility, expertise and innovation at the service of our customers

Our highly specialized multidisciplinary engineering activities allow us to support and listen to every need of the customer.

Our Goals rely on the strong integrity's principles that guide us. Find out more about Techfem governance