SmartHydroGrid Project

SmartHydroGrid Project

The SmartHydroGrid project sees us involved together with the partners Centria, (a company of the Estra SpA group) Regas, CretaES and the University of Calabria in the development of a Digital Twin platform for the energy optimization of renewable microgrids, also thanks to the storage of energy in the form of hydrogen.

The project, funded by the PNRR, will allow us to build an innovative demonstration plant for the transformation of green energy produced by our photovoltaic system into hydrogen at our headquarters in Fano.

In addition to testing and validating the application of the platform, the plant will allow us to further increase our independence from the network.

Visit the SmartHydrogridProject page to follow all the evolutions of this highly innovative project.

  • 7.03.2024
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  • 14.40
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