TAVOLO H2: Green Hydrogen for Hard to Abate

TAVOLO H2: Green Hydrogen for Hard to Abate

We participated in “TAVOLO H2: Secondo incontro  – Idrogeno Verde per Hard to Abate”

During this event organized by the Emilia-Romagna Region and the regional Clust-ER Clust-ER Greentech Energia e Sviluppo Sostenibile, Clust-ER Meccatronica e Motoristica and  Clust-ER Build Edilizia e Costruzioni, the main topic dicussed was the green hydrogen and its application in the hard-to-abate sector.

We took the opportunity to present our HYMAGE project, which involves the construction of 2 pilot plants in an industrial environment:

  • 🔷A CO2 hydrogenation plant with MetOH, DME and Olefine
  • 🔷A direct catalytic biogas methanation plant with methane production

We keep working to find innovative technological solutions for the energy system’s decarbonisation.

  • 9.11.2023
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  • 15.57
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