Privacy policy – Careers

Information notice on the processing of personal data Pursuant to Art. 13-14, EU Reg 2016/679

The company Techfem Spa, Via Toniolo 1/D, 61032 Fano (PU), P.IVA 01046640411, PEC (REM (Registered Electronic Mail) ensures the protection of Personal Data entrusted to it. Therefore, the company undertakes to process them according to principles of correctness, lawfulness, transparency, in compliance with the purposes indicated below, collecting them to the extent necessary and accurate for the processing, allowing their use only by staff authorised and trained for the purpose and in order to ensure the necessary confidentiality of information.

Pursuant to Articles 13 and 14 of EU Reg 2016/679 we therefore provide you with the following information:

Collection of personal data. Purpose, legal basis of the processing for which the data are intended

The data is collected by means of the data subjects sending to the company, via the dedicated section on the website or via social networks that link to the same section of the website, their personal details and professional experience, in the form of a curriculum vitae (CV). The CV may be sent to the company for spontaneous candidature or in response to specific recruitment advertisements. The data collected will be “processed” within the limits strictly pertinent to the obligations, tasks and purposes established.

In particular, the company collects, records, consults and in general processes your data, such as, for example, your name, surname, place and date of birth, educational qualification, work experience, as well as special categories of data, such as information regarding specific categories and any other data you have entered in your CV. The data are collected directly from the data subject and/or from third parties.

The processing of the personal data provided is aimed at the search and selection of personnel, for the purpose of job placement with the company. The legal basis for the processing of common data is the execution of pre-contractual measures taken at your request and, for special data, the need to fulfil obligations or exercise rights provided for by applicable labour law (pursuant to Art. 9 co. 2, lett. b of the GDPR).

How data is processed

The data will be processed both manually and with the aid of computerised or telematic means by persons specifically appointed for this purpose. In relation to the aforementioned purposes, the data may be stored both in paper and electronic archives, also in automated form. In any case, the processing of the data will be carried out with logic strictly related to the purposes indicated, in such a way as to guarantee the security and confidentiality of the data, through the adoption of appropriate measures to prevent alteration, deletion, destruction, unauthorised access or processing that is not permitted or does not conform to the purposes of the collection.

Nature of personal data

Personal, sensitive and judicial data, inherent to the performance of the requested service, are the object of processing. During the provision of the service, it may be necessary to acquire and process your sensitive and judicial personal data. The company invites interested parties to include the following wording in their CV or in the relevant cover letter: “Pursuant to current legislation, having regard to the information on the company’s website, I consent to the company processing my personal data, including transferring them to third parties, authorising their computer/paper storage for the purpose of Personnel Searches and Selections”. In the absence of such express wording, consent is deemed to have been given at the time the application is sent, pursuant to Articles 23 and 26 of Legislative Decree 196/2003 and subsequent modifications.

Compulsory or optional nature of provision

The provision of data via the portal on the company’s website is necessary in order for your application to be taken into consideration in the personnel search and selection activity. Failure to provide the data does not allow this activity to be carried out and, consequently, your application cannot be taken into consideration. Acknowledgement and acceptance of these conditions is made by means of a “flag” when filling in the data and before sending your application.

Scope of communication and spreading of data

For the pursuit of the purposes indicated above, the personal data transmitted may be communicated to third parties acting as Data Trustees, Data Processors on behalf of the Data Controller and/or other Data Controllers. Communication will take place in this case without the need to request your specific consent. In particular, the data may be communicated

  • to our collaborators, employees, within the scope of their duties and specifically appointed
  • to third parties who act as Data Processors for specific purposes such as, by way of example but not limited to, IT companies, employment consultants, employment agencies and Contract Managers at clients.

To all those physical and/or juridical, public and/or private persons when the communication is necessary or functional to the carrying out of our activity and in the manner and for the purposes illustrated above. The data are not subject to dissemination.

Storage modalities and duration of personal data

The processing will last no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which the data were collected and in any case for a maximum period of 24 months starting from the first transmission of the data to the company. Should the data subject consider, for any reason, that the purpose of the processing has been exhausted, he/she must notify the company in writing, by PEC REM (Registered Electronic Mail) to, which will immediately delete the information/data. The company reserves the right to destroy curricula vitae or any document containing personal data that it deems not to be in compliance with the purpose of the processing. The company may keep the data for a further 24 months following the updating of the data carried out spontaneously or at the request of the Data Controller. The processing may be carried out indiscriminately at one or more of the company’s offices, always within the limits of what is necessary to carry out the activity and for the purposes of the processing itself.

Rights of the data subject

The data subject has the right to request from the Controller access to personal data concerning him/her, their rectification, erasure, portability, objection to processing as well as the integration of incomplete personal data and the restriction of processing in the cases provided for by Article 18 GDPR. Furthermore, where applicable, you may revoke the consent given at any time. Revocation does not affect the lawfulness of the processing prior to it, but any ongoing selection processes may be interrupted.

These rights may be exercised at any time, vis-à-vis the Data Controller, by sending an appropriate request by registered mail to the address Techfem Spa, Via Toniolo, 1/D – 61032 Fano (PU), or in writing to the PEC REM (Registered Electronic Mail) address

In addition, it has the right to lodge a complaint with the Personal Data Protection Authority (Autorità Garante per la protezione dei dati personali – and to resort to the other means of protection envisaged by the applicable legislation.

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