H2 Summer School

H2 Summer School

The first edition of the H2 Summer School, organized by the Italian Association of Chemical Engineering (AIDIC) in collaboration with the Energy Technologies and Renewable Sources Department of ENEA and the La Sapienza University of Rome, kicks off from 21 to 23 September.

The initiative was created with the aim of providing young researchers and professionals with a technological overview and a basis for comparison on the challenges to be faced for the development and sustainable integration of hydrogen in the Italian energy system.

Techfem is one of the companies that support the initiative, hosting an interactive session on Friday 23 September at the ENEA Casaccia Research Center, during which the participants of the Summer School will try a problem-based learning session on a technical safety activity applied to the design of a hydrogen vehicle refueling station with the technical support of Techfem engineers.

  • 16.09.2022
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  • 17.56
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