Safety Champions

Safety Champions

Safety Champions” is a project dedicated to pursuing excellence in safety coordination during the execution of works.

The development work on the topic of safety that we have been carrying out since 2017 today constitutes a fundamental pillar of our Industrial Plan.

“Safety Champions” was born in 2023 and is an ambitious project structure based on the OKR – Objective Key Result methodology.

  • The work methodology involves the Company Management, the Safety Lead and all our DL teams who, through inspections, workshops and brainstorming, collect and manage performance data on the DL Techfem construction sites
  • All our Works Management Teams participate in periodic coaching meetings which aim to convey the important concept of Safety understood as a common good
  • The training dedicated to our CSE team allows us to have highly qualified professional figures from a technical and communication point of view

The Safety Coordinators in the Execution phase were the protagonists of two intense days dedicated to safety.

We hosted in a suggestive location Marcello Luciani, member of the C.E. ANMIL Nazionale and the ANMIL testimonials Stefania Benedetti and Salvatore Malaponti who told about their story.

The safety professional Orlando Giorgi as in planning as in execution of works, helped us to focus on the data collected during the workshops held in 2023 by providing us with ideas for systemic actions that can be framed within the current regulatory framework and aimed at raising the culture of safety through everyone’s behavior.

Stefano Pancari, author of Rock’n Safe, closed the training event by leading our team in a process of reflection on the themes of leadership and communication, all accompanied by a ROCK background.


#safetyONtechfem #wedesignsafety

  • 20.02.2024
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  • 16.40
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